Yesterday was interesting if a little frustrating. Took the track pump I bought the other week back to Decathlon as it was only a basic one that went up to 60 psi – so much for checking the label when I bought it ! Exchanged it for another one, only to fit it had a piece missing. So another trip to Giltbrook is on the cards. While there I had a sit on a very smart looking bike. A Viking something or other (can’t remember the model) but it felt really uncomfortable. It may have been a number of things, seat too low, racing handlebar stem, frame too small but it felt very odd. It had been reduced from £499 to £399 but it was also white which seems a very impractical colour for a bike in my ‘old fashioned view’ – have to say it did look very smart with it’s aluminium frame and carbon fibre front forks, and it’s fancy wheel rims. I’ll try and find a photo on the net to show you.
Earlier in the week I fitted the new pedals to the old bike and so I went out for a spin as they say. The idea was to repeat last weeks 15 mile circuit but things didn’t go quite to plan ! Got as far as Little Eaton, approx 5.5 miles when I realised something wasn’t quite right. Each bump in the road was getting progressively more uncomfortable. I pulled over and found the back tyre decidedly soft. I pumped it up and set off again. Got as far as Duffield and the same thing again. As I had cleverly decided not to bring a spare tube it was going to be a case of getting as far as I could on each inflation. The Chevin route was abandoned as I struggled home (via another two stops for air, the bike not me for a change).
Made it home on a 13.19 mile route – ripped the tube out and sure enough there was a hole in it. What makes this so frustrating is that I cannot EVER recall having a puncture on this bike when I used to ride it for mile upon mile. I only changed the tyres (to anti-puncture ones ironically) because the back one was looking a little bald and I thought I’d get a puncture !
I had got the intention of taking the small camera with me to take a few snaps on the way but decided to leave it at home as it looked decidedly like rain when I set off. As it turned out it didn’t rain and I could have taken snaps of my bike leaning against peoples walls, bus shelters, shops as I put a few pounds back into the inner tubes.
Today It’s a trip to Sutton Coldfield Town to see if Belper can bring anything back from the team currently in 2nd place in the table. Belper have already been there once this season to play the ‘ground sharing’ Romulus on the newly installed plastic pitch and lost. I see from the forum that we have signed Steve Warne from neighbours Matlock Town on a months loan. He sounds like a good signing as I know the Gladiator fans rate him. We have also signed another player Jay Lee Hodgson which is good as we have lost a few of late, RWT to Carlton and Tommy Hannigan back to Rainworth. Not expecting much in the way of points today so a draw or a win would be a big bonus. Must go, camera batteries to charge and tyres to check – catch you later.
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